We are FRAHM Jacket
We are not "FRAHM Clothes"
When I launched frahmjacket.com from our kitchen in July 2018, I made one jacket (the Original Utility Field).
Then, we made more jackets. Then we got amazing reviews. Then it seemed awesome & obvious to make stuff to go with them. I mean, we can make great other garments, so why not? Right?
For FRAHM Owners who've been with us for years, you'll have seen caps, scarves, jumpers, shirts, belts, all kinds.
All great. All lovely experiments. All distractions and confusions.
I have obsessed with offering the clearest, simplest, undistracted vision of what FRAHM is. The best possible jackets. I am and have always been, obsessed with jackets more than anything.
In a world of noise, we must have a singular, clear, exceptional voice. No mixed messages. No pleasant diversions.
We want anyone new to FRAHM (which, let's face it, that is still 99.999% of the world) to know we are all about the best possible jackets for all kinds of real life. And because real life isn't always good, we talk about men's mental health.
FRAHM is: 90% Jackets. 10% Mental health. Connected by real life.
Once the current drop of work shirts and t-shirts have arrived in the coming weeks, we're done. No more playing around with the format.
We started as, we are, and will always be, JACKETS.
If you'd like a work shirt (arriving in the warehouse this week, 2 weeks early) or t-shirt, get them now please. The 20% pre-order discounts are about to end.
Meanwhile, we're making changes to FRAHM that makes us even more of what you love, and less of what you don't. We received a huge response to our recent survey, and it's given us greater confidence to double down on the stuff we care about. Because you do too. Phew.
Please enjoy the last of those beautiful distractions,
Nick - founder/jacket designer