Before I made clothes, I ran film production companies making music videos and fancy car ads. My wife Emmalou is the career producer.
For a family steeped in film production, it’s madness we haven’t FRAHM hasn’t made any films. I’ve had my arse kicked by Emmalou and an old friend…
My dear old friend Euan McGrath, creative director and director of films, grabbed me and said he was desperate too make something beautiful with me for FRAHM. We are totally on the same wavelength, so we’re doing it!
Amazingly, we already have amazing Oscar-nominated talent joining us. All those years of being fairly (I wouldn’t want overstate it) nice to people might be paying off! There’s no budget but acres of experience, passion and good vibes to offer.
YOU?: We need men to interview… It’s all about how life is beautiful as well as tough. Euan and I are interested in the small things, your individual experiences of hardship, beauty, emotion, determination, described in personal detail. We will record the interviews, then film these moments/sights/feelings and stitch them together.
We need to hear you speak about stuff like this, so we can choose folk to visit (socially distanced of course). So we need to you to email us a roughly 1 minute recording of you speaking (a modern phone will do) about the little things you’ve noticed you love and have got you through lockdown. Don’t take it too seriously, but do include detail and how you felt. It’s not an exam, we just want to hear you be honest and open. You can laugh, cry, hold it in, let it out, or just talk plainly. Just be yourself.
Every recording we receive will get a £25 FRAHM voucher in return, and all the men who’s voices are featured will get a £100 voucher.
We won’t show or play them in public, it’s just for our use. Remember, we only care what you sound like - that includes all kinds of accents, backgrounds, nationalities, you may have stutter or have had a stroke, it’s all interesting to us. We just want a variety of real men talking with honesty.
Here’s my example, which I decided to film on my phone, as it was so easy.
I uploaded it to youtube, but you can send a large file (as they often are) via to
You need to do this by the 10th of July 2020. We’ll then contact people, arrange to record you and film the scenarios over the Summer, for launch in the Autumn.
We want to make something great, and real. The Tough and Beautiful.
Very excited! Join in.